Email Pastor Rich
Pastor Richard & Julia Franklin
Pastor Rich was born in Los Angeles County, CA, and entered the United States Marine Corps on 29 May 1985 and retired in 2006 from Marine Corps Bases Kaneohe Bay, HI. Pastor Rich is married to Julia “His Beloved” and has six children and four grand children. Pastor Rich started his ministry in Beaufort, SC, as a Sunday school teacher, prison ministry worker, and Youth Pastor. Upon his transfer to Hawaii he served as a Youth Pastor, prison ministry worker, Ministry to the Military coordinator, and Associate Pastor. Upon retiring from the Marine Corps he and his beloved left Hawaii and became Servicemen Center directors of the Lighthouse Servicemen’s Center, La Maddalena, Italy until its closure in August 2007.
Upon returning from Italy, Pastor Rich and Julia were appointed to the Kenly Church of God, Kenly, NC, where he served as the Senior Pastor from 2007-2010. God blessed them with a vibrant ministry and a strong church family.
On November 7, 2010, Pastor Rich and his Beloved were called by God to a new assignment as the Senior Pastor and First Lady of White Oak Church of God, Newport, NC, on the beautiful Crystal Coast. Pastor Rich is an Ordained Bishop in the Church of God (Cleveland, TN). In addition he holds a Baccalaureate of Science in Criminal Justice with a minor in criminal behavior and minor in forensic science. In 2010 Pastor Rich completed a Master of Art degree in Leadership and Adult Education.
Favorites: Character in the bible: God the Father; Holding his beloved; Being with his grandchildren; Author C.S. Lewis; Morning drink English black tea; Movie Quote “I will tell you how he lived” (Last Samurai) and Cartoons Looney Toons
Email Julia